AAA Reserve Currency / ARC Currency White Papers

Stephen W Findlay
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

I was asked recently for the AAA Reserve Currency / ARC Reserve Currency white papers, by a team exploring the world of cryptocurrency stablecoins. Although we shuttered AAA/ARC in 2018/9 due to a lack of adoption and concerns over the regulatory analysis* — if I can assist others looking to go on a similar journey, then I’d be happy to do so — so please find below our suite of whitepaper documentation.

The White Paper(s)

We split the papers into separate documents, to aid the reader, focusing on specific topics.

  1. The AAA/Arc Primer

2. Overview of Money & Currency

3. Technical Whitepaper

4. Lending and Fixed Income as an Asset Class

5. Research Road Map

6. Who Benefits is Arc is a Success

7. The Issuance Flow Diagram

Illustrating the mechanics of how coins are minted & redeemed, including the checks and balances provided by third parties.

Regulatory Paperwork

As we were regulated, I’ve also included the near-to-final version of the Information Memorandum. I couldn’t find the definitive one — I think it rests with some lawyers somewhere — but it gives a feel for the disclosures and regulatory context.

*The Arc Reserve Currency was the first cryptocurrency to be regulated in Europe, in 2017. We viewed this as a good start to the regulatory analysis, but not the end-point. We explored regulatory approval in the US (among other jurisdictions), but we fell short, as we could not find a path to achieving an appropriate regulatory treatment/structure for our stablecoin project, which would also enable mass adoption (let alone find the funds required to put this in place!). So our stablecoin journey ended in 2018/9.


The email addresses included in the documents are now defunct, but you can contact me over at LinkedIn (mention Stablecoins in your subject line and I will aim to respond in a day or so).

Good Luck!



Stephen W Findlay

Property Development Finance, and funding for institutional lenders. Hobby: crypto & digital stablecoins. Former: BondMason, Fidelity, Deloitte CF, Andersen